The Art Workshop aims to deepen the student’s knowledge of painting by studying intensely such elements as light, color, composition & texture. It offers expanded practice in the basic concepts of painting, exploring a variety of approaches, media, processes and experimentation. The class will enhance the student’s understanding of developing a painting both physically as well as conceptually, and expose the student to different genres of the vocabulary of painting, from the traditional objective through the non-objective. Class trips to museums, islands, and villages will help students learn not only about past Greek art, but also let them experience contemporary Greek society, art, music, and passion for life. In keeping with the spirit of an individually oriented studio construct, students are encouraged to explore and experiment with their own talent and vision. Methods for the exploration of the visual arts may include: a look into the practical methods of working to an artistic solution while maintaining insight into the professional career applications of one’s art; an experimental consideration of the possibilities offered by the latest developments in artistic theory and practice; development of deeper critical thinking as to both one’s own product and that of others working in the same field/s; ongoing critical analysis of work through individual and group critiques.
3 credits.